New Black Adam Costume Exposes a Hidden Superpower (That Shazam Shares)

Warning: Spoilers Black Adam number 7!Although Black Adam and Shazam are opposites, their powers come from the same source and although they are always used, they both have a strange ability that is often overlooked. Black Adam has been very busy lately. He plays an important role in it dark crisis events, spread his power to all other heroes, share his magical power. That’s an impressive feat considering he also almost died early in the story. However, Black Adam’s victory was short-lived. Now, with the gods of the old gods hunting him, Black Adam passes his mantle to his descendants, continuing Black Adam’s legacy with a new hero.

However, Malik, Black Adam’s chosen successor, is going through something of an identity crisis. Originally named White Adam, he wears a similar outfit to Black Adam, but his signature colors are reversed. However, in Black Adam #7 – He envisions a different outfit, and – when he uses his new power to transform – he wears a fashionable jacket, named “Lightning”, alluding to the ability to summon his lightning.

Black Adam’s successor has a new look

It might have been an easy change, but the new magical champions stand out with very unique powers in their kit. The ability to fly and super strength are things everyone remembers, but Shazam and Black Adam also magically reveal their costumes when transformed. Bolt didn’t like the standard Black Adam and Shazam capes, so he wore a completely different outfit that he liked. It’s a subtle ability that’s easy to overlook, but it shows how different Shazam and Black Adam are from non-magical heroes like Superman.

Shazam & Black Adam’s magic has no rules

Bolt New Costume Black Adam

Superman is famous for changing his clothes in phone booths – at least in earlier stories – but that’s because he’s a hero bound by the laws of nature. As magically empowered beings, Shazam and Black Adam can use their powers in surprising and flexible ways. The rules of their powers can be changed or disappeared with the right magical flaws and enough willpower – for example, Shazam once gained random powers by speaking his magic words. himself in certain places (like growing into a giant) with a sense of magic, Black Adam marveled. people by being able to share their power dark crisisAfter all, both Black Adam and Shazam are mysterious creatures, and Bolt’s new skin shows that while fans may think they already know about his powers, there needs to be an angle. see more clearly. His completely new appearance makes his abilities truly unpredictable.

Shazam’s family’s costumes finally make sense

Shazam Comic Family Seven Champions

Of course, it makes sense for Shazam champions to be able to show off their costumes. After all, each member of the Shazam family has their own color and comfortable outfit. It may not be as flashy as super speed or lightning, but Shazam, Black Adam and now Bolt’s ability to change costumes will show that as magical heroes, the Shazam family always has an extra point press.

Black Adam #10 Now available from DC Comics!

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