Balders Gate 3 Full Map Guide, Locations, and Items




Elixir of Sylvanus

The poison that cures Nettie

Blessed by the Father of the Oak himself, this tonic can cure even the most harmful poisons.

Goodberry Potion

Restores 1d4 points of health

A creature that eats this berry regains 1d4 hit points. The berries are plump and juicy, with a soothing sweet flavor.

healing potion

Restore 2d4+2 HP

Minor cuts and scrapes on draft.

Powerful Healing Potion

Restore 4d4+4 HP

Draft treatment for moderate injuries.

Advanced healing potion

Restore 8d4+8 HP

Draft treatment for serious injuries.

Fire Resistance Potion

Gain resistance to fire damage until your next long rest

Cool and pleasant to the touch. The inside of the bottle is covered with frost.

Resistance Potion

Gain resistance to Force damage until your next long rest

No matter how much the bottle is shaken, the surface of the mixture remains surprisingly still.

anti-cold potion

Gain resistance to cold damage until your next long rest

The bottle feels warm, like being in a fireplace.

anti-thunder potion

Gain resistance to lightning damage until your next long rest

After taking this potion, you will experience a tingling sensation in your limbs.

anti-venom potion

Gain resistance to poison damage until your next long rest

Popular with politicians and adventurers.

Psychic Resistance Potion

Gain resistance to mental damage until your next long rest

The potion’s taste is reminiscent of whiskey but not the effect, and it has been known to cause temporary tinnitus.

speed potion

Gain Haste for 3 turns

The solution ripples and splashes on its own, as if it’s trying to escape the bottle.

sharp oil

coat of arms

When applied to a piercing or slashing weapon, gain a +3 bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Basic Poison(1)

coat of arms

Even when closed, this bottle gives off a stifling sour smell.

Basic Poison(2)

coat of arms

Coat a slashing or piercing weapon or three pieces of ammunition with poison, dealing 1d4 poison damage. Lasts one minute.

Basic Poison(3)


Don’t be fooled, this “potion” will make your wear worse.

poison potion


Don’t be fooled, this “potion” will make your wear worse.

Dragon Poison

Deals 7d6 poison damage, or half damage if the target succeeds at a DC15 Constitution saving throw.

It’s odorless but deadly, extracted from the glands at the base of a wyvern’s tail.

sleep potion

Unconscious for 3 rounds. The state ends when you receive damage or take help actions.

Hypnotic patterns swirled in this hazy potion.

Animal Language Potion

Gain the ability to understand and communicate verbally with beasts until your next long rest

Opening the bottle, a strong aroma of hay, musk and dung hits your nostrils.


Cures poisoned creatures

The mixture looks easy to chew and is thick since it contains herbs and roots.

Fire Breath Potion

Drinking this potion grants you the ability to breathe fire, causing 4d6 points of fire damage to targets within 30 feet.

Burns more easily than Waterdhavian rum.

basilisk oil

Thick gray oil swirls inside the container

The oil is extracted from the basilisk’s esophagus and has the ability to restore petrified creatures to their original state.

Hill Giant Strength Potion

Your Strength score becomes 21 for one minute

The potion contained a small piece of a hill giant’s fingernail suspended in it, which gave off a foul stench that was difficult to swallow.

Invisibility Potion

Invisible for 1 minute. Attack or cast a spell to end this state.

If it weren’t for the sound of liquid sloshing inside, you might think the bottle was empty.

Vitality Potion

Removes exhaustion status and cures any poison or disease

It’s a coveted restorative for adventurers at the end of their lives.

Break a promise

Strength increases by 2 until the next long rest, and strength decreases by 1 indefinitely after the rest.

A parasite swam at the bottom of the bottle, fat and powerful.

Will wavered

Disadvantages of Saving Smart Until the Break

The bottle is filled with a sweet, intoxicating aroma. It reminds you of home.

heart of stone

Resist poison damage before resting

Fragments of malachite swirl at the base of the potion, rhythmically merging and separating.

crazy kiss

Hostile to all other creatures for the duration of this condition

Something stirred in the heavy ground, consumed by rage.

lost time

Armor level reduced by 2, unable to react

Its seal had dried and cracked over time, but the clear potion inside showed no signs of decay.

lover’s greed

Wisdom decreases infinitely by 1

The putrid spiciness diminishes the otherwise pleasant rose and honey aroma of this potion.

missing pet

Ethereal spiders scurry across the creature’s body, adversely affecting ability checks and attack rolls.

Thousands of little legs crawl inside this bottle, seeking escape.

mother’s disgust

Gain bite until next long rest

There was a trace of blood remaining around the plug. It’s enough to make you drool.


Bleed internally, suffer 1d6 punctures at end of turn

A traditional brew of ergot and nutmeg, designed for those who will never become mothers.

withered dream

Creatures are observed in shadows, taking effect while resting

Smells like sleeping pills turned sour.

Flying Potion

After drinking, you will gain a flying speed of 60 feet for one hour.

The bottle feels lighter than the empty bottle.

antacid potion

Gain resistance to acid damage until your next long break

To be determined

Aunt Ethel’s Charm

Break this spell to gain all the benefits of an empowering spell until your eternal rest: the stamina of the bear, the strength of the bull, the grace of the cat, the splendor of the eagle, the cunning of the fox, and the wisdom of the owl

Even though the spell smells rotten, holding it feels inexplicably powerful.

butterflies in belly

Deals 1d6 piercing damage

Traditionally brewed with ergot and nutmeg, it is designed to recreate the thrill of first love.

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